FoldyMakes Sidecar Cassette Mod – Is It Worth The Price and What Can It Actually Do?!

In this episode, we explore the wonderful world of pitched-down cassette tapes with the Sidecar Cassette Mod from FoldyMakes. We dive into some sound sculpting possibilities with the use of delay pedals like the Boss Digital Delay, Hologram Microcosm, Death By Audio Echo Dream 2, and the Chase Bliss Habit. And also used some in-series compression and EQ to craft the incoming signal and shape it for optimal frequencies.

What is the Sidecar Mod? “The Sidecar is a variable motor speed mod for standard cassette recorders. The knob adjusts the motor speed, allowing you to slow down and lower the pitch of audio being played back by the cassette. The switch toggles the mod on & off, allowing the audio to be played back at normal speed if desired without needing to tune the knob perfectly.” -FoldyMakes

And in the end, we will talk through the reasons why one might want to drop $200 on what is basically a modified cassette tape player. Is it actually worth the price?

Thanks for watching and thanks for all the support on some of my previous videos. I really appreciate it.